Tips for Successful Integration of 3PL Software

Tips for Successful Integration of 3PL Software

If you’ve ever looked into how the biggest retailers have secured success, you may have noticed that many of them leveraged logistical improvements to reduce costs and carve out competitive advantages. For a long time, it was hard for smaller companies to compete, especially in regard to logistics. The good news is that third-party logistics networks, in combination with direct selling software and other platforms, can allow merchants big and small to increase efficiency and get products to customers ASAP.

The Basics of 3PL Software

The term 3PL may seem a bit alien, but in practice, it simply means Third Party Logistics, according to TechTarget. These days, many companies focus on providing efficient supply chains that merchants and other companies can leverage to streamline their shipping and other activities. These logistics providers often focus exclusively on logistics, allowing them to develop deep expertise.

In the past, relying on third-party solutions was often a pain because it was hard to integrate them into your existing solutions. These days, you can often integrate third-party services, tools, and solutions directly into your platforms, including direct selling software. This streamlines everything and makes disparate processes easier to manage.

What to Consider When Integrating 3PL Software

When selecting software, you’ll want to find 3PL solutions that offer APIs and other tools that you can use to integrate into your current solutions. For example, if you use direct selling software, you may be able to find 3PL tools that integrate directly into it. This way, you can manage everything from one interconnected platform.

It’s smart to find logistics providers that offer fast and easy communication, tracking, and other things that can make life easier for merchants and direct sellers. The fact is that logistics can be complicated, and there may be times when you’ll need to cut through the noise and communicate with your provider. Keep this in mind when reviewing solutions.

Many logistics providers offer real-time or near-real-time tracking. This can prove highly useful for retailers and customers. If a shipment is delayed, it’s best to figure that out as quickly as possible. Then you can take steps to mitigate potential problems. You might send the customer an email update, for example.

Over time, you’ll want to set up KPIs and other methods to measure performance as well. This way, you can look for ways to improve operations. While integrating 3PL solutions with direct selling software may require some effort, it can pay off in the long run.

Are you in need of quality 3PL software? If so, our team at TavaHatz will be happy to assist you. Contact us today to learn more.

How to Streamline the Shopping Experience Using Cart Sharing Tools

How to Streamline the Shopping Experience Using Cart Sharing Tools

If a customer is on your website and considering whether to make a purchase, it’s crucial to convert them as quickly as possible. The more a customer delays, the more likely you are to miss out on a sale. As such, you need to streamline the shopping experience on your e-commerce website as much as possible. The less friction and the more quickly you get customers to pull the trigger, the better.

One of the best things you can do is set up cart-sharing tools for your various online shops. With a cart-sharing tool, a customer can use the same shopping cart to add products from different websites to the same cart. Then, when they’re done shopping, they only have to check out once to complete multiple purchases.

Why Cart-Sharing Tools Are So Popular

The convenience offered by a cart-sharing tool should be pretty obvious. Checking out on e-commerce website portals can be a huge pain. Customers may have to enter their credit card number and shipping address over and over again. Some customers will simply get annoyed and decide not to purchase something. They might order a few things from one website, but then decide it’s not worth ordering a few other things on another website.

A cart-sharing tool greatly reduces the tediousness of shopping online. Further, it’s possible for smaller stores and brands to essentially team up to offer customers a one-stop-shop experience. Many people rely on the biggest websites simply because it’s easier to get everything in one place. With a shared shopping cart, smaller e-commerce brands can band together to close the gap.

Who Should Use Shared Shopping Carts?

It’s common for e-commerce companies with multiple brands and storefronts to use shared cart features. In this case, the different stores aren’t competing against each other, and the parent company can enjoy income either way. It’s also possible for smaller independent companies to share carts, but it may be best to ensure that the participants aren’t direct competitors.

Shared carts are also becoming very common for direct sales and multi-level marketing campaigns. According to ZipDo, America has the largest direct sales market globally, accounting for nearly 20% of sales worldwide. Shared carts can make it easier to manage multiple direct sales teams and e-commerce website portals. They are also great for MLM campaigns.

Are you interested in setting up cart sharing for your e-commerce website? If so, TavaHatz has the solutions you need. Contact us today to get started!

The Influence of Direct Selling on the Retail Market

The Influence of Direct Selling on the Retail Market

If you’re looking to get into direct selling, you’ll need to make sure that you have the right direct selling software solutions. The right toolkit can make life much easier for sellers and campaign managers. We’ll take a look at direct selling solutions, but first, let’s take a peek at what direct selling is and how it’s impacting the retail market.

What You Need to Understand About Direct Selling

Fortunately, the term direct selling is pretty revealing. When you use this sales method, you sell products directly to customers. This means there’s no middle party, like a big box retail store or online merchant. Customers and sellers can cut the middle person out and deal directly with one another, creating more efficiency in the retail market.

According to ZipDo, direct selling now makes up roughly 1% of total retail sales in the United States. This might not sound like much, but Statista reports that total retail sales in the U.S. alone topped $7 trillion in 2023. Even 1% of that is an immense amount, and direct selling is primed for growth.

Since the company doesn’t have to pay a cut to a middle party, they can often offer lower prices to customers while still maintaining high quality and a healthy bottom line. That said, with direct selling, the seller will need to manage order fulfillment and other processes that a merchant would normally handle. This can be rather difficult, but direct selling software solutions can make things much easier.

How Direct Selling Software Can Reshape Retail

One of the secrets to the most successful online and brick-and-mortar retailers is that they’ve managed to deliver incredible efficiency. They can get products from sellers to customers relatively cheaply. Many of the most well-known retailers secured their market position by using superior logistics and the like.

Direct selling software can help direct sellers increase efficiency by handling many of the tedious tasks, gathering data, and making it easier to see the big picture. Managing multi-level marketing efforts can be especially difficult because there are so many moving parts. Yet MLM offers one of the best models for direct selling. In turn, direct selling can increase competition in markets, helping drive prices lower.

Fortunately, direct selling software can be used to streamline MLM campaigns and direct selling fulfillment. This can deliver increased process efficiency which, when combined with the other benefits of direct selling, can result in higher-quality products being sold at cheaper prices. Get in touch with us at TavaHatz if you’d like to learn more about direct selling and MLM software solutions and how they might revolutionize retail.

How to Leverage Affiliate Software

How to Leverage Affiliate Software

If you’re looking to earn some cash, affiliate marketing offers a powerful and lucrative way to do so. Consider that more than 15% of online orders in the United States come through affiliate marketing, according to Demand Sage. For some products and services, the percentage may be higher. Ultimately, affiliate marketing could be your route to financial success, and modern affiliate software could help pave the way.

A Quick Overview of Affiliate Marketing

With affiliate marketing, you can receive a cut from sales you drum up. For example, let’s say someone owns a camping website that offers advice for campers, hikers, and other folks enjoying the Great Outdoors. This website could then be used to offer recommended camping and hiking gear. If a reader clicks on an affiliate link or ad and then makes a purchase, the website owner will receive a cut of the sale.

Affiliate marketing is a great option for many people because you don’t have to build a storefront or manage shipping and order fulfillment. This is all managed by someone else. Affiliate marketers focus on marketing which, in many ways, makes their job much easier. That said, managing affiliate marketing efforts can be rather difficult and cumbersome. Fortunately, the right affiliate software programs can make things much easier.

Here’s How Affiliate Software Platforms Can Help

Managing an affiliate marketing campaign can be quite a challenge, especially if you don’t have the right tools. Things get more complicated if you’re trying to oversee multi-level marketing (MLM) campaigns because there are many different marketers working at different levels. Without the right tools, trying to coordinate complicated marketing campaigns can prove to be all but impossible.

Affiliate solutions make it easier to manage everything by doing a lot of the tedious work, such as tracking clicks and sales. This software is especially useful if you’re trying to coordinate a large number of marketers, say as part of a multi-level marketing campaign. With the right software, much of the backroom work is done automatically, allowing marketers to focus on marketing. These tools can also be used to gather sales data and other pieces of valuable information.

If you’re looking to get into affiliate marketing, you need to build the right tool kit. Affiliate software solutions can dramatically increase efficiency, which in the long run could boost your bottom line. If you need help selecting the right tools, feel free to get in touch with us at TavaHatz.

What Are Cart-Sharing Tools?

What Are Cart-Sharing Tools?

When your customers shop online, they may shop at different retailers within a short period. With cart-sharing tools, it’s easier than ever for them to patronize multiple online retailers without checking out at separate sites. Here’s some insight into these tools and how they can benefit your business.

Enable More Efficient Shopping

A good example of the efficiency of cart sharing is Uber Eats. When a person orders at one restaurant on Uber Eats, they are often able to add a delivery from another store without being charged an additional delivery fee. They can get a burger from Shake Shack and a coffee from Starbucks on the same delivery.

More robust tools have connections to hundreds of other retailers. Customers can take items from various retailers and put them all in one cart or shopping list. As a result, they’ll have an easier and more streamlined checkout process since they can check out once instead of at 10 different stores.

Let Customers Share Shopping Easily

According to NerdWallet, a third-party processor makes it easier for immediate card payments to be accepted at flat rates. Third-party tools now also make it possible for customers to share their carts across stores or with people they care about. It’s always fun to go shopping with family or friends at brick-and-mortar stores, and with cart-sharing tools, your customers can have a similar experience online. These tools allow customers to create unique card IDs that different people can add to. This process can make it easier for them to plan events like bridal or baby showers, blowout birthdays, and holidays. It can also result in a lot of exposure for your business.

Allow for Planning

Maybe a customer doesn’t want to keep shopping at the moment, but they want to continue looking at products later. With cart-sharing tools, it’s easy for them to plan what they need to buy and add to their cart over time. This can significantly lower cart abandonment rates.

As you can see, cart-sharing tools can make shopping easier and more fun for your customers, even in an online environment. They can share the shopping experience with those they love or simply take their time to patronize different businesses without needing to check out at multiple sites. To learn more about this exciting e-commerce feature and how you can incorporate it into your business, contact TavaHatz today.