Get Ahead With Shopify MLM Software

Get Ahead With Shopify MLM Software

Customers are doing more online shopping now than ever before. If you have a product to sell, making it available online is in your best interest. As you run your online store, one of the best tools to have in your arsenal is Shopify MLM management software. Here’s how you can get ahead with this software.

Review Software Options

According to Gitnux, direct sellers in the United States generated $42.67 billion in 2021, and that number is likely to rise in the coming years. If you want to generate the most revenue possible, you need to utilize the right software. Shopify MLM management software is an incredibly robust option, with a comprehensive range of solutions to get your product out there. You can customize it, enjoy better security, and even utilize support for multiple languages. If you truly want to sell your products on a global level, you can do so in many languages and currencies. If you want to combine direct sales and having other parties sell for you, look into the available affiliate software. You’ll be able to recruit, track commissions, and offer various item promotions.

Become Educated on the Software

Learn the ins and outs of Shopify MLM software, and ensure your sales team and all your affiliates understand how to use it to the best capacity. You can use this tool to distribute training materials to people in your network. Make sure you keep track of all your sales, and use this data as a motivator to present to the team or your investors.

Analyze and Strategize

One of the biggest benefits of Shopify MLM software is that it allows you to keep track of metrics. From there, you can analyze the market trends in terms of what products are selling and in what demographics. For example, it’s beneficial to know if your products are doing better in Europe versus the United States. As you analyze market behavior, you can effectively customize your upcoming strategies for each quarter.

There’s a lot you can do with Shopify MLM management software. You can sell your products, bring on affiliates, and gain valuable insight into your business’s performance. To learn more about how this software can benefit you and your business, contact TavaHatz today.

3 Reasons to Invest in a Corporate Analytics Dashboard?

3 Reasons to Invest in a Corporate Analytics Dashboard?

You’ve likely heard about data-driven decision-making and business analytics, but what does that mean? Investing in a quality corporate analytics dashboard is essential for understanding your key metrics, spotting concerning trends, and guiding strategic decisions. Keep reading to understand why you should make this a top priority.

1. Visualize Key Data in One Place

Having the right MLM software solutions will compile all your essential data streams into customized, visually appealing dashboards tailored specifically to different teams’ needs. Rather than digging through spreadsheets or various reporting programs, executives can simply glance at their dashboard and immediately absorb the most critical numbers. Whether it’s sales numbers, web traffic, operational efficiency, or other KPIs, a high-quality business intelligence solution presents the full picture on easy-to-read charts. According to ZipDo, the largest direct sales market in the world is the U.S., making up 19% of global sales. Being able to identify the data with the sales market can put your company ahead of the competition.

2. Identify Trends and Future Risks

The impact of seeing your data in interactive charts and graphs cannot be overstated. Truly understanding the trends in your business over the previous months and years provides tremendous insight into likely future outcomes based on your current trajectory. You’ll also be able to identify risk areas that would be very difficult to recognize in spreadsheets alone. Getting these trend lines and key figures in front of your leadership team as early as possible gives you all the time you need to make appropriate strategy pivots.

3. Fuel Strategic Decision-Making

At the end of the day, the purpose of gathering and understanding your crucial business data is to inform better decision-making. With customized dashboards on the metrics that are most important to your company’s success, your leaders can pursue strategies that align with the current realities. Rather than relying upon best guesses or gut feelings, using a powerful business intelligence solution arms your executives and managers with the hard data they need to make informed choices.

While investing in technology like a corporate analytics dashboard requires commitment, the payoff in terms of increased visibility into your business health and strengthened leadership decisions certainly makes it worthwhile. After getting the right MLM software solutions implemented, the insights you’ll gain over the coming months and years can transform your strategic planning and success. Reach out to TavaHatz today to get help finding the right MLM software solutions for your business.

Why Are Incentives and Award Tracking So Important?

Why Are Incentives and Award Tracking So Important?

Running a successful direct selling business requires keeping your sales team motivated. According to Gitnux, between 2022 and 2028, the global direct selling market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.1%. This is due to rising consumer demand for product validation. One of the best ways to motivate your team is through incentives and awards tied to performance goals. Effectively tracking who qualifies for different incentives can be tricky without the right direct selling software.

The Problem With Manual Tracking

Manually tracking sales performance data and correlating that to incentive qualifications is extremely tedious and error-prone. As your direct selling business grows, you’ll have ever more complex qualification rules across an expanding array of incentive programs. Attempting to track all of this manually via spreadsheets or paper records becomes nearly impossible. Mistakes get made, people feel cheated, and motivation suffers.

Automation Is the Answer

This is why direct selling software with built-in incentives tracking and award management capabilities is such a game changer. The software automatically tracks real-time performance data across your entire sales team and instantly determines who qualifies for what bonuses, trips, and prizes. It’s all rules-based, so you can set up qualifications to be as simple or complex as you need them to be. This eliminates manual errors and guesswork when determining rewards. There’s complete visibility into incentive programs and who has earned what. That transparency helps salespeople feel your incentive programs are fair and working as advertised.

More Efficient Reward Fulfillment

Automated incentive tracking through direct selling software also makes fulfilling rewards more efficient. The system stores all required recipient information for sending monetary bonuses or booking earned trips and events. This eliminates tedious paperwork and forms for salespeople to fill out. Fulfillment happens faster, which also preserves the motivational impact of the rewards by recognizing achievements sooner.

Rapid business growth means rapidly increasing challenges in managing sales incentive programs. Direct selling software with tracking of incentives qualifications and built-in award fulfillment capabilities is a must for any growing direct sales organization. Automating these previously manual tasks improves transparency, accuracy, efficiency, and ultimately, sales team motivation. That translates directly into improved business performance. If you’re looking for the right direct selling software for your company, reach out to TavHatz today.

4 Benefits of Various Third-Party Merchants

4 Benefits of Various Third-Party Merchants

A third-party vendor is a business or individual that can provide assistance to your company. This entity may be contract or otherwise. They often partner to provide resources or services to help that business operate more efficiently. This can include 3PLs which stands for third-party logistics, according to TechTarget. Let’s look at some of the benefits of these services.

1. High Quality Services

If you’re just now starting your business, you might not have access to world-class facilities, but you can outsource to a third-party affiliate software. This will provide you with the best end results along with exceptional services. When you find an external entity that is willing to work with you providing additional tools, platforms, or even sometimes staff to help you leverage your operations, you can use your resources in a smarter and more efficient way.

2. Better Efficiency

There is always the temptation to try to handle everything yourself for your business. This is a temptation because you want to save money but also because you might feel that others just can’t do as good of a job as you could. The problem is that this cuts down significantly on your company’s efficiency. You only have so much energy and time to devote to tasks, and if you spread yourself too thin, nothing gets done well. When you outsource to third-party merchants, you can devote more of your time and energy to other tasks.

3. Access Talent Pools

In your day-to-day operations, it’s easy to start working in a vacuum. You’re only around your current team, and you just might not be aware of other talent that’s available. Third-party merchants bring a talent pool to you that you otherwise wouldn’t have had access to.

4. New Materials Facilities or Software

Depending on the type of third-party services you hire, you’ll have access to advanced materials, facilities, and software. Affiliate software will bring new opportunities and resources to your business that you may not even know exists or that you simply never had access to.

These are just a few reasons to consider third-party merchants to help your business. If you’re interested in affiliate software and other services, please contact us at TavaHatz today. We are here to help your business reach its full potential.

Master Direct Selling With Helpful Software Solutions

Master Direct Selling With Helpful Software Solutions

You’ve decided to dive into the world of direct selling but are feeling overwhelmed trying to keep track of your customers, inventory, and sales. The good news is there are great software solutions made specifically for direct sellers like you! These tools can organize your business and make success more attainable. Here are three types of direct selling software to utilize as you pursue this exciting endeavor.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

Finding and retaining customers is critical in direct selling, so a CRM platform should be your first software investment. A quality CRM organizes all your customer interactions in one place for reference. It tracks contact details, data like birthdays and preferences, and your communication history. CRMs save you ample time locating information. They also have features to automate marketing messages, so you stay connected with customers. Investing in direct selling software like a CRM early on will organize your client base and facilitate stronger, lasting relationships.

Inventory and Order Management Software

With any retail business, you need to know the state of your stock and orders at all times. Inventory/order management direct selling software gives you real-time visibility and tools to simplify order fulfillment. You’ll create product catalogs that feed instant updates on availability as inventory depletes. Automation can track and trigger restocking or automatically fulfill orders with the click of a button. This direct selling software also provides sales metrics and order history reporting to inform your operations. Utilizing these systems means less time manually tracking products and orders and more time selling.

Business Analytics Software

As your direct selling business expands, comprehensive analytics and reporting become essential. Business analytics software tracks all metrics across products, customers, sales reps, and channels. You gain insights into customer behaviors and purchasing trends you’d never uncover manually. These systems quickly produce visual reports and dashboards covering any business question you have. The data can reveal successes to repeat or deficiencies to address. Business analytics direct selling software empowers you to spot patterns early and continuously refine strategies to boost revenues.

According to Gitnux, the U.S. generated 42.67 billion dollars from direct selling in 2021. Due to this high number, many people are looking to enter the direct selling business. If you’re one of these people, having the right software can make all the difference. The three options above can be helpful, but finding direct selling software that offers all of these features can really help your business to thrive. Reach out to us at TavaHatz today to learn more about the types of software we offer.